
We are extremely thankful to Dr. Hay and Dr. Paradise of Davidson College for their guidance and help. We are also indebted to the following sources that enabled us to find information about this taxonomy project:


Adams, Kevin and Marty Casstevens. 1996. Wildflowers of the Southern Appalachians. John F. Blair, Publisher.

Batson, Wade. 1987. Wild Flowers in the Carolinas. University of South Carolina Press.

Chapman, A.W. 1887. Flora of the Southern United States. Cambride, Mass.: Cambridge Botanical Supply Company.

Cronquist, Arthur. 1980. Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States. The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill).

Duncan, Wilbur and Leonard Foote. 1975. Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States. The University of Georgia Press (Athens).

Little, E. 1980. National Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Trees (eastern region). Knopf Inc.

Petrides, George and Roger Peterson. 1958. A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs. Houghton Mifflin Company Boston.

Steyermark, Julian. 1963. Flora of Missouri. The Iowa State University Press.

Tiner, Ralph. 1993. Field Guide to Coastal Wetland Plants of the Southeastern United States. The University of Massachusetts Press.

Wells, B.W. 1932. The natural Gardens of North Carolina. The University of North Carolina Press (Chapel Hill).