****This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College.****


Welcome to Summerlee Walter's Immunology Homepage!

Enjoy your stay!




I am a sophomore biology major at Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina, and I am currently enrolled in Dr. Malcolm Campbell's Biology 307: Immunology. My intent for this webpage (aside from the obvious academic motivation) is to provide in-depth information on selected immunological concepts while hopefully making complex subjects clear and easy-to-understand. To that end, all highlighted words in the text link to a page entitled "Immunological Vocabulary for Beginners," which I have provided to define basic terms that might be unfamiliar to those who are new to the study of immunology.


My Favorite Immunological Protein (Yes, Dr. Campbell informed each of us that we have one.): CD3

My Favorite Immune-related Disease (I decided that I have a favorite one; Dr. Campbell just wanted a term paper.): Omenn's Syndrome



Immunology Home Page

Biology Department Home Page

Davidson College Home Page

Contact me (if you are so moved). Summerlee Walter (suwalter@davidson.edu)