Protein Information
The YDR466W gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for an unknown protein with a length of 898 amino acids. This protein has not been crystallized yet, and thus there is not a chime file showing the 3D structure of the protein. When a BLAST search was performed, it was found that the most similar protein is the cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit in Rattus norvegicus . Therefore, it could be assumed that this unknown protein has some function in the protein kinase cell pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An attempt in Swiss-Model to determine similar 3D structures did not produce any documented proteins with a 3D stucture similar to YDR466W with an E-value of <0.0001. A PREDATOR search reveals that the protein is made up of 18.15% alpha-helices, 68.04% random coils, and 13.81% extended strand. A hydropathy plot was then conducted, and it was found that the protein had no region where the protein would exceed the value of statistical significance (2.0) for hydrophobic regions. The amino acid sequence for the YDR466W protein is displayed below:
mtsrkrsphd fifkeelghg systvfkald kkspnkiyai kvcskkhiik eakvkyvtie
hhagiiklyy tfhdeenlyf vldfapggel lsllhkmgtf ndiwtrhfta
shgiihrdlk penvlldrdg rlmitdfgaa atidpslsgd sakfnsdsng
vgtaeyvspe lllynqcgyg sdiwalgcmi yqfvqgqppf rgenelktfe
kivaldypwg pnnrinnsts
pinplvinlv qkilvievne risleqikrh pyfskvdwnd
kikiwrgiwq sqgqslqqtt
lglpnipqni lptrqlhvid tparsiqitk qkrkkptkis
nttssivvwr krlgistgkd
dlgtvpsttp avtapndtnv ltntaahsta nialppnsqs
nqvkraqlva pnrippkvpv
indnvrnksi prtkpnvppl qtssipqkls tssassalsa
thtldgrnsi dihvlkqdyv fiygipyehe gpamslnsyn kidndlitsl
sesflqvltl kksgmlsykn tvmegnddqe nkehqmanie dtdlsmydfe
ilekyknriw fislpsystl skipfnavks stinnnenwv dcffrarqll
nvsfdskass epsspppisr kerplsignn vttlsytakn gsqnnapqnd
nvgeekpfri psstkdrpga
nstpssrhpr vlssnnaget pkkmngrlpn sapstntytn
gsvpafnhrp stnvgnnkhn
iltskkqgss vfspsssttk pqikttgyrq ptpspplpqm
efpttrekys apsnmvisss
ryevlhtlnn sqtnfdreia srgasaafrs lqkskkkk
Phenotype Information
Peter Lowry's Home Page
Davidson College
Davidson Biology Department
Davidson Genomics
This page was created by:
Peter Lowry
Davidson College