Gene Networks Database
Paracentrotus lividus Genes in Development: Fibrillar collagens
COLL2-alpha encodes collagen which belongs to the fibril-forming group (D'Alessio et al., 1990).
Collagens play a role in determining matrix composition and, consequently, in influecing the processes
of spiculogenesis and gastrulation (Wessel et al., 1987, Blankenship, et al., 1984).
COLL2-alpha is a fibrillar collagen.
The deduced amino acid sequence of the sea urchin polypeptide displays a close similarity
with the primary structure of a vertebrate fibrillar collagen.
The sequence of the echinoid chain includes a 265-amino acid carboxyl terminal noncollagenous
extension, and an uninterrupted series of 262 Gly-X-Y repeated triplets.
At the carboxyl terminus several Gly-Pro-Pro triplets are conceivably involved in the stabilization
of the forming trimers.
The rare sequence Gly-Gly, unique to the sea urchins and other Echinodermata collagens,
is present in the COLL2-alpha chain. The carboxyl-terminal telopeptide of COLL2-alpha
contains another characteristic structural feature, namely a lysine potentially
involved in intermolecular cross-links (D'Alessio et al., 1990).
GenBank: 159962
Subcellular location
Collagen molecules are found in the intercellular spaces (Baccetti et al., 1985).
Expression Pattern
Nothern blot hybridization detected COLL2-alpha mRNA in pluteus and less clearly
in prism.
mRNA level
Temporal accumulation
Method: Northern blot analysis
Reference: D'Alessio et al., 1990
Stage |
Gastrula |
Prism |
Pluteus |
Level |
- |
+ |
+ |
At late gastrula the COLL2-alpha mRNA is present in some, but not all of the embryo
PMC, as well as in the SMC.
By the prism stage, derivatives of the SMC are the most heavily labeled cells,
while the derivatives of the PMC display a signal above background.
Spatial localization
Method: in situ hybridization
Reference: D'Alessio et al., 1990
Stage |
Early mesenchyme blastula |
Late gastrula |
Prism |
Tissue |
- |
Primary and secondary mesenchyme cells |
Primary and secondary mesenchyme cells |
Regulatory Regions
Regulatory Connections
Upstream Genes |
COLL2-alpha |
Downstream Genes |
Evolutionary Homologues
- COL2A1 H. sapiens
- COL1A1 H. sapiens
- COL3A1 H. sapiens
- COL1A2 H. sapiens
- COL5A2 H. sapiens
- COL11A1 H. sapiens
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