Gene Networks Database

CyIIIa actin gene regulatory domain

LOCUS       Rr_SPCYIIIA    2350 bp    DNA             INV       15-JUN-1993
DEFINITION  Strongylocentrotus purpuratus TZ2 CyIIIa actin gene regulatory
DBSOURCE    GENBANK:  name SUSCYIIIA, accession M64573
KEYWORDS    actin.
SOURCE      S.purpuratus DNA.
  ORGANISM  Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
            Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata;
            Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida;
            Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus.
REFERENCE   1  (sites)
  AUTHORS   Calzone,F.J., Theze,N., Thiebaud,P., Hill,R.L., Britten,R.J. and
  TITLE     Developmental appearance of factors that bind specifically to
            cis-regulatory sequences of a gene expressed in the sea urchin
  JOURNAL   Genes Dev. 2, 1074-1088 (1988)
  MEDLINE   89053046
REFERENCE   2  (bases 1 to 2350)
  AUTHORS   Theze,N., Calzone,F.J., Thiebaud,P., Hill,R.L., Britten,R.J. and
  TITLE     Sequences of the CyIIIa actin gene regulatory domain bound
            specifically by sea urchin embryo nuclear proteins
  JOURNAL   Mol. Reprod. Dev. 25, 110-122 (1990)
  MEDLINE   90180426
REFERENCE   3 (function)
  AUTHORS   Kirchhamer,C.V., Davidson,E.H.
  TITLE     Spatial and temporal information processing in the sea urchin embryo:
            modular and intramodular organization of the CyIIIa gene cis-regulatory
  JOURNAL   Development 122, 333-348 (1996)
  MEDLINE   96152227
REFERENCE   4 (function)
  AUTHORS   Kirchhamer,C.V., Yuh,C.-H. and Davidson,E.H.
  TITLE     Modular cis-regulatory organization of developmentally expressed genes:
            two genes transcribed tettitorially in the sea urchin embryo, and additional
  JOURNAL   Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 9322-9328 (1996)
  MEDLINE   96382464
COMMENTS    2.3 kb of DNA sequence extending upstream of the CyIIIa transcription 
            start site is necessary and sufficient for correct spatial, temporal and
            quantitatively accurate expression of CyIIIa.CAT transgenes. Embryonoc
            expression of CyIIIa gene is controlled through interactions with at
            least 9 different transcription factors that bind at over 20 specific 
            sites [1,2]. CyIIIa regulatory system consists of three complex modules.
            The proximal module (PM) interprets the specification functions by which the
            oral and aboral ectoderm (AE) and vegetal territories are established, and its
            function is to activate the CyIIIa gene in the AE late in 
            cleavage [3,4]. This module is largely responsible for the whole early 
            pattern of CyIIIa expression. The major positive input to the PM is yet 
            uncharacterized P1 factor, which is active throughout the ectoderm. 
            Expression is confined to the AE by the negatively acting
            SpP3A2 factor, which must become functional specifically in the oral ectoderm (OE)
            lineages [3]. The other positively acting factors SpOct, SpTEF1, CTF, 
            that bind to the PM determine the level of expression and convey temporal
            information [3]. The middle module (MM) assumes the major role in controlling
            CyIIIa expression from the gastrula stage onward, driving the rate of
            expression to higher levels as the AE differntiates. The major positive input
            is provided by the SpRunt. Two different negatively acting factors, SpZ12-1
            and SpMyb are required to confine expression to AE from the gastrula stage 
            onward. The distal module of CyIIIA gene  increases the output of either
            or both of PM and MM and contains clustered SpGCF1 sites. The PM and MM 
            display at least three forms of interdependence: (i) some of the positively
            acting factors of the proximal module, particularly the CTF and the SpTEF1
            boost the output of the middle module if their target sites also present
            in the construct. (ii) Some site in the PM, yet undefined is necessary
            for MM function in synthetic transgenes. (iii) The SpRunt1 interaction 
            in the MM boosts the output of the PM early in development [3,4].
COMMENTS    There is additional binding site for SpP3A2 factor in between 
            SpZ12-1  and CTF-factor binding sites (i.e. in the region 1282 - 
            1620, which can be located at 1456 -1464 (identified by sequence 
            inspection). This site is located in proximal module.
            There are several additional sites for SpGCF1 factor binding:
             one -in between CTF-factor and SpTEF1 (1790 - 1798 by sequence 
            inspection), and two other around SpMyb factor binding site.
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..2350
                     /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus"
     protein_bind    10..23
     protein_bind    189..201
     protein_bind    259..279
     protein_bind    406..416
     protein_bind    411..420
     protein_bind    427..447
     protein_bind    456..466
     protein_bind    476..500
     protein_bind    899..916
     protein_bind    1024..1086
     protein_bind    1240..1260
     protein_bind    1274..1282
     protein_bind    1620..1635
     protein_bind    1963..1986
     protein_bind    2080..2104
     protein_bind    2119..2135
     protein_bind    2202..2235
     protein_bind    2237..2264
     protein_bind    2265..2274
     protein_bind    2308..2321
BASE COUNT      699 a    527 c    432 g    692 t
        1 ctgcagcttt ctcagaaccc cgcatcgtat atacattccc ataaacacac acacacattc
       61 acacaaaatg taactttttt aatacttaaa acacaattat cattctttga tgtacagcac
      121 atagttgaca caaaggggat gcttttagaa tagttgaaaa caccgtgctt tctgtgagag
      181 ggaatgaccc tgatccccga cccatacaca catgcaaaca tccaggacgt agataagggg
      241 gcagtgtgaa tatgtgcacc cctccccccc ccctccccca accatcaaat gataagaaaa
      301 tatacagaaa ggtgaaagtg gagaggagga aatgtaacgt aaaatgaata tgctatcttc
      361 cccacaccct cccatgtaac ttcgcatttt atccatcggg taagattgat cccctccccc
      421 acctcaccct cccccccccc cccctcctac taaacctgag cccctcaatg cctggaccca
      481 cgttacgcca ttttacgcac tttccggccg tttttattag accctatact cgtaatgtaa
      541 aagggttttg cagccatgtt atttttcacg tatatctaat gtgtttttcg gggaaaaact
      601 tgacaaagtt actccctgtg gataaatttc ctaatttgcg ggtcctagtt ttagttactt
      661 atgacaaaca aattatgaaa agcaaaatat taaggtaaaa tacaggaata acataaagag
      721 gtctcaaggt tttgaacagt tgaaatgttg ttaaattaca tctcacaaac aactgtataa
      781 aataatttaa aataagtaga cacacggaga gattgtggga catgtcgaac actcctctgc
      841 agacccttgt gtcagatgca aggattttat acgaaatcta tcagaacaga cgcaggccgg
      901 ttgtggtcat ggttttaaaa gtagaaagtt tgggtcattt tgcggttgtc cgacatttgc
      961 tcctgctaaa attgccttgc atcaatttca tactcacact ttgttcttga cttcaatcct
     1021 tgacccaaca atatatctaa ccgttaccct taacctaacc ttaaagccaa atgtaactct
     1081 aaccccgatc cctcgtatgt gacttaataa agacagccgc aaggaccatt ttcgtaatgt
     1141 aaccagattt aatgcataag tctttgtgaa gtgcctcaat acatattata tcattcgcct
     1201 cataagaata acaacgtttc aatagtcaga atgcacggta catgttgcta ggtaggtcaa
     1261 gccatattgt ttgtcctacc tggcaacaac taatgtatgc cgttcggatt ttgtctattg
     1321 aaatactatt attcttatca ggtgaatgaa attttttatt gaggcacctc actattaaag
     1381 aattatgcat taaatttggt tacattacga aactggccta ttggaggagg agtaagcatc
     1441 ttacaaatcg tacggcggcg cacaaatgcg gggttcgcct gatctgggcc tcttatggcg
     1501 gcggaaagat taagtatgta agaaataagt aatgcatgga tctcacatga atacaaaagc
     1561 aaccggcaca agggaatgga cttaaagagc tagcgagaat cattcaacca taatggaaac
     1621 tctgattgga ccacggtgaa tgggatatac tgagctactt taaaaggagt atttaattca
     1681 ggttatgcac gctctggtgg tatgaggttt caataggcca gacgttatag gaaagattgc
     1741 gattgaagac tcccaagaaa aaggtaacaa tggagcgata aaattgtttc tcccctttga
     1801 gttaatgctt tttgtcatgc ctaattatac ctcggtgatg ctcggtcaca ccgcctaaac
     1861 gattctatac cccctccaaa ctgagccatt taagcttaat cctattttgg tcccgtactg
     1921 gccaacagta tgtagacgcc taagtttatt attgcattgt cattcattgt cgcgacatac
     1981 ttgtagttag ctttttattc ctccttactt tctttgggta ttagctgcga agcttatcta
     2041 ttggcctcgt tgtcacattt gtttttaaaa agaataaatg aagcgcaaac aaactttatt
     2101 aagcaaaaaa gcaccgaatc tcatttgcat atccttttca atgcattcct tatctgccct
     2161 gaggcgctac gatgtgtcta aattgtctcc ttatttggtc aaaaccctgg acataactct
     2221 cgcttggggg tctttgtcca aggaaggggt agtacattac ttggtccccc acagtatcat
     2281 ttcactctcg accaagcaat caagcaggtg gtgtcatcca gttctctttc tcttctctct
     2341 ctaactcggt 

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