Endo16 regulatory region
LOCUS Rr_ENDO16 2391 bp DNA INV 10-MAY-1998 DEFINITION Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Endo16, endoderm-specific marker gene, 5' regulatory region DBSOURCE GENBANK: name S75835S1, accession S75835 KEYWORDS SOURCE purple urchin embryo. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 2391) AUTHORS Yuh,C.H., Ransick,A., Martinez,P., Britten,R.J. and Davidson,E.H. TITLE Complexity and organization of DNA-protein interactions in the 5'-regulatory region of an endoderm-specific marker gene in the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL Mech. Dev. 47 (2), 165-186 (1994) MEDLINE 95110745 REMARK GeNet staff at the IHPC&DB created this entry from the original journal articles. This sequence comes from Figures 1C [1] and 1A [2] REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Yuh,C.H. and Davidson,E.H. TITLE Modular cis-regulatory organization of Endo16, a gut-specific gene of the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL Development 122, 1069-1082 (1996) MEDLINE 96205031 REFERENCE 3 AUTHORS Yuh,C.H., Bolouri,H. and Davidson,E.H. TITLE Genomic cis-regulatory logic: experimental and computational analysis of a sea urchin gene JOURNAL Science 279, 1896-1902 (1998) MEDLINE COMMENTS 2300 bp upstream of transcription start site suffice for correct spatial and temporal expression of Endo16.CAT transgenes. At least 13 different DNA-binding proteins interact specifically with this region. This interactions occur at 33 specific target binding sites, in addition to ubiquitous SpGCF1 sites of which >20 have been identified [1]. The cis-regulatory domain can be subdivided into six modules [2]. The most proximal module, A, has two roles. It causes transcription to occur in vegetal plate and archenteron, and its activity accounts quantitatively for most of the expression up to the late gastrula stage. It is also required to mediate the negative spatial control functions of modules E, F and DC. Modules E and F individually repress ectopic expression in the ectoderm surrounding the vedetal plate, and module DC represses ectopic expression in the skeletogenic mesenchyme, but none of these repressor modules operate in the absence of module A. Latter in development, the relative importance of the positive activity of module A declines. At the gastrula and pluteus stages, when expression of the Endo16 gene is confined to midgut, its activity depends mainly on functions of module B, which then drives expression to a new and higher per-cell level [2]. The most distal module G, acts synergistically with both modules B and A when linked to them, strondly increasing their level of expression. Module B also acts synergistically with module A at the period when the latter is dominant, earlier in development [2]. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..2391 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" module G 152..415 /citation=[2] module F 415..658 /citation=[2] module E 658..1039 /citation=[2] module D 1039..1281 /citation=[2] module C 1281..1683 /citation=[2] module B 1683..1979 /citation=[2] module A 1979..2164 /citation=[2] protein_bind 2065..2071 /citation=[3] /site="CG1" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="in concert with P site provides the obligatory link between module A and module B and mediates part of synergistic enhancement of module B output" /note="CG1, CG2, CG3 and CG4 sites bind the same protein" protein_bind 2078..2084 /citation=[3] /site="P" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="in concert with CG1 site provides the obligatory link between module A and module B and mediates part of synergistic enhancement of module B output" protein_bind 2108..2113 /citation=[3] /site="SpOtx" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="mediates module A function and alone suffices to generate endoderm expression" protein_bind 2114..2123 /citation=[3] /site="Z" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="specifically is required for functional interactions with module F (or either E or DC)" protein_bind 2119..2125 /citation=[3] /site="CG2" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="appears to process positive outputs both from module A and B; requires CG3 and CG4 functions" /note="CG1, CG2, CG3 and CG4 sites bind the same protein" protein_bind 2160..2165 /citation=[2,3] /site="SpGCF1" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="weak stimulation of transcription" protein_bind 2175..2181 /citation=[3] /site="CG3" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="is directly involved in interactions between module A and the adjaacent basic transcription machinery" /note="CG1, CG2, CG3 and CG4 sites bind the same protein" protein_bind 2202..2208 /citation=[3] /site="CG4" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="is directly involved in interactions between module A and the adjaacent basic transcription machinery" /note="CG1, CG2, CG3 and CG4 sites bind the same protein" protein_bind 2213..2218 /citation=[2,3] /site="SpGCF1" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="weak stimulation of transcription" protein_bind 2227..2234 /citation=[2,3] /site="SpGCF1" /evidence="gel shift assay" /evidence="oligonucleotide gel shift competition" /function="weak stimulation of transcription" TATA 2252..2257 mRNA 2281 CDS 2307.. BASE COUNT 630 a 522 c 439 g 800 t ORIGIN 1 tgggtcggtg acctaatttc ccttgttacg cagttttgta tatcggatat cgtgacatta 61 attttataat atatcatgac atttttgctg catattttgc ggtaccggaa gatggtgatt 121 ttaacatggg gataaagata ttgcatcaag atttgcacaa gctcttattc taatatccac 181 ccttgccccc cccccccatc tgctcccctc tcactccctg tttctttctt cgtcgtcgtt 241 cttcttattc gtcttctcct tttccccttt gtacatatcc ctttctttat cctctctctc 301 tctctctccc ccgtttccat ctacacctcc ctctgtttct gtttctgtat ctcactcttg 361 tttcttacac tgacccagtt cgcactccct ctttattttt ccttcaccca cactcgatct 421 ctctctctcc tgctctatat ctctctgtat atctgtctct atgtgtgtgt gggtgtgtgt 481 gtgtgtgtgt gtgtgcgtgc tctcacctca gcattcttgt ggggttttaa tgtgcgcttc 541 acatacccct tgtgaggcat tttactttgt ggggtaattt ttcaggaccc cacagagtaa 601 agtctttcaa atgactgtat attcggtgtc ctatgctgcg gggcattaga agtggtaccc 661 cataaatgac tttttgtgag cgtgtgctaa aacttgcaca cttttttatg ggtaacatcg 721 taagcacacc gccgggttgt tatcgccagg ttgtacatac cccactagta ggggaccaca 781 aggtatatct ggaacgcaca gaaatacccc acaatcaggt gccccacaaa ggccctgatg 841 tgagaatgcg tgtgtgcgcg tgtgtttgtg tgtgtgtctc tctctctctc tctctctctc 901 actctctaag tatatctatc tccttcccca ttttctcttt ccccctctga aatattgata 961 aaaagaatac ataatttggg ttttctgttg tacgcagaaa aacccctaaa tgtcgtattc 1021 tttcacaaat attcgacttc gaactcattt ccttgcagaa atgtgtctct aatcacatcc 1081 tcctaataca tttatgatac aattttattt tagggaaaat gttgtcgtca aaatgtatgg 1141 ggctcccaac gcttcaaagg ggctttaaag ttatcatatg aatgtaacct aaaccttctg 1201 aaaataatca tgatattggg cactgctggg atgattttat caatgaccaa accgtaactt 1261 ttgataaaat gtcattgcgc gtaaagtaga cgaccgcccc tcctcttcct cctttcgagt 1321 agttgatcct cccctccaaa aaaagtctta ttatgacgaa ataaataagt atgaatagta 1381 ttaggaacag atagtatctc gatacggagt cttgttgaat acaatgctta tacacgataa 1441 tgtggacgca ctttgcacac tgttatctat caaatttctt caaaagaaca tgtctagcat 1501 tgttttaccg acattaaaca gccagctttg gttgctaagt gtagtgcaga cggcggatcg 1561 ggtttaaagc atgaataaga tatgttttaa gtctttggtt ttctctaaac tgtgtgtgat 1621 aacagaagaa aattgatgtt ttagttacag gaacatattt tggagtaggt aacgggtatt 1681 ggtatactgg ctcctggtac actaatgtac acccacactc aaaacgtggc ttatggagaa 1741 ggggtttgga tttccaattc ggagttgttt ttgtatatca aataacaaat gaagagggca 1801 cttctaattc agaaatgtta tcatgaataa agactttaac tttgttggtt tttcaaatta 1861 attttggatg tttttcagtc gattccgatg agataaaacc ccgaatatac ctggaactga 1921 acgtcctttg tttccacgca agatttaatg cccgtaaaca caaacatctg acaaatgcat 1981 ttaaacttca tcaaacaatg taacaaaagc gtaatttcct cttaaatcgc ccttacttct 2041 aagaaacgtc gtaaatcgca acgtctcaaa aatattgacc aaaatgatca taccattatc 2101 atcgcgtagg attaagtgat taaactacca agtgattaca tcatctcaaa gttatcacat 2161 ccccgggtta aactgtttga gtttcgtctc ctgattgtgc tatcaaagac aaaggggtgt 2221 aactttaccc ccctcatcaa gagcggaggg ttaaatagag aaagactggt cgaggacagg 2281 tcataatatt gctaattttt gagacgatga tgaggttaaa tattttgctg ttcgcggttt 2341 tggccgtggc gcggtcaatg cccacaggta agaaatataa taattttaca a