SM50 gene regulatory region
LOCUS Rr_SPSM50 320 bp DNA INV 18-MAR-1998 DEFINITION Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spicule matrix SM50 protein (SM50) gene regulatory region. KEYWORDS SOURCE purple urchin. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 320) AUTHORS Makabe,K.W., Kirchhamer,C.V., Britten,R.J., and Davidson,E.H. TITLE Cis-regulatory control of the SM50 gene, an early marker of skeletogenic lineage specification in the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL Development 121, 1957-1970 (1995) MEDLINE 95361751 REFERENCE 2 AUTHORS Hoog,C., Calzone,F.J., Cutting,A.E., Britten,R.J.,Davidson,E.H. TITLE Gene regulatory factors of the sea urchin embryo. II. Two dissimilar proteins, P3A1 and P3A2, bind to the same target sites that are required for early temporal gene expression JOURNAL Development 112, 351-364 (1991) MEDLINE 92120113 REFERENCE 3 AUTHORS Raman,V., Andrews,M.E., Harkey,M.A. and Raff,R.A. TITLE Protein-DNA interactions at putative regulatory regions of two coordinately expressed genes, msp130 and PM27, during skeletogenesis in sea urchin embryos. JOURNAL Int. J. Dev. Biol. 37, 499-507 (1993) MEDLINE 8179994 REFERENCE 4 AUTHORS Kurokawa,D., Kitajima,T., Mitsunaga-Nakatsubo,K., Amemiya,S., Shimada,H. and Akasaka.K. TITLE HpEst, an est-related transcription factor implicated in primary mesenchyme cell differentiation in the sea urchin embryo. JOURNAL Mech. Dev. 80, 41-52 (1999) MEDLINE 10096062 REMARK GeNet staff at the IHC&DB created this entry from the original journal article. This sequence comes from Fig. 3A COMMENTS Cis-regulatory region extending 440 bp upstream and 120 bp downstream of the transcription start site confer accurate skeletogenic expression of injected expression vector. The distal portion of this fragment contains elements controlling amplitude of expression, while the region from -200 to +105 (1 - 305 this entry) contains spatial control elements that position expression accurately in the sceletogenic lineages of the embryo. A systematic mutagenesis of this region [1] reveals four positively acting regulatory elements: 2 copies of element D as well as elements A and C. The element C, named as locator element exercises the primary spatial control function. It requires other separable, positive regulatory elements for activity. In the normal configuration this ancillary positive function is mediated by elements A and D. Comparison [3] of the SM50 promoter to PM27 promoter and 850-bp region of msp130 gene located between exons 6 and 7 revealed three larger sequence elements (designated A, B and C) that are strictly similar in these genes. The A and C elements identified in [3] are not identical to A and C identified in [1]. The ets binding site functions as a positive cis-regulatory element [4]. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..562 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" prot_bind 330..337 /citation=[2] /bound_moiety="SpP3A2 and SpZ2-1" /evidence=DNAase I footprinting prot_bind 317..324 /citation=[2] /bound_moiety="SpP3A2 and SpZ2-1" /evidence=DNAase I footprinting mRNA 443..562 element D 395..400 /evidence=experimental /citation=[1] element D 415..420 /evidence=experimental /citation=[1] element C 455..479 /evidence=experimental /citation=[1] element A 503..545 /evidence=experimental /citation=[1] element A 113..140 /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[3] misc_feature 168..180 /note="ets binding site" /evidence=sequence inspection /evidence=luciferase assays /citation=[4] element B 281..299 /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[3] element C 418..431 /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[3] CDS 552.. ORIGIN 1 CAACGGATCT GCCGTGGAAA ATAACTAGGC ATATCTTGAC ACGCATAAGG AACGTTACTT 61 TGGAGGCCCC TTCGCTCCCC CAACACCGTC CCGCGCACAC GATCTTCGCG TGTACTCCCT 121 ATACACACGT TCACCCACAT TTAGCCCACG CACACACTCA TTCCCAACCA GGAAGTCACG 181 CTCATTATGG GTAATTATGC GCTCATCCCA AAGCCCCTGA CTCAAGTTTC CCTTTCGGAA 241 CCCCGGCTAG GTCTGGATGT GCGTCAATCC TACCATCTCC TCTGATTGGT CCAAAAGTTA 301 CGCCCCGTTT TCGGCTTCTG CGCACACCCC ACGCGCATGG GGCGTGCACG GAGATGCGTT 361 GGTCACGCCC CCATCAGAGT CTTGCACTCG GCCCAGGGTT ACGCCTGTTG CGCGAGGGTT 421 TTGAGGTTCG GCTAAGGCTT TCATTCGAGT TTGGTGGTAG TCGTGAATGC ATCGATCTCA 481 TTTCTTCTGG AGTTCGAAAA ATTAAGAAAG AAAAAAGTCT AGTGAGATCG CAACACATTT 541 GAGAAGCAGC CATGAAGGGA GT //