SpAN gene regulatory region
LOCUS PR_SPAN 421 bp INV 02-APR-1998 DEFINITION SpAN, astacin-type protease, promoter DBSOURCE GENBANK: name S82534, accession S82534 KEYWORDS SOURCE sea urchins 12-hr embryo. ORGANISM Echinoidea Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 421) AUTHORS Kozlowski,D.J., Gagnon,M.L., Marchant,J.K., Reynolds,S.D., Angerer,L.M. and Angerer,R.C. TITLE Characterization of a SpAN promoter sufficient to mediate correct spatial regulation along the animal-vegetal axis of the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL Dev. Biol. 176 (1), 95-107 (1996) MEDLINE 96224231 REMARK GeNet staff at the IHC&DB created this entry from the original journal article. This sequence comes from Fig. 5 and 1. COMMENTS Sequences within 300 bp upstream of the transcription start site are sufficient for high-level activity and correct non-vegetal expression of SpAN.CAT transgenes. However this region is not sufficienet to shut down the transcription from the endogenous SpAN gene shortly after very blastula stage. This sequence contains at least six separable regions of protein-DNA interactions. All identified sites confer positive regulation. Sites I, II, IV and V bind distinct factors, while sites III and VI bind SpGCF1 factor. Site II contains CCAAT box. Sies II and V are essential for high-level promoter activity. SpAN probes containing sites IV and II were competed efficiently by SpHE competitor fragments containing correspondingly SpHE sites IV and SpHE sites V and IV. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..421 /organism="Echinoidea" /db_xref="taxon:7625" gene 1..421 /partial /note="astacin-type protease" /gene="SpAN" mRNA 304..>421 /gene="SpAN" protein_bind 28..57 /site="I" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 84..103 /site="II" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 123..152 /site="III" /bound_moiety="SpGCF1" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 167..184 /site="IV" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 198..228 /site="V" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 257..280 /site="VI" /EMSA and DNase I footprinting BASE COUNT 130 a 79 c 79 g 133 t ORIGIN 1 gtttaataat tctcgatatt gctccacaaa agtatgagta cttgacctct ataatagaga 61 tgcatgctca ctaacctgtt tctatatcct gtttggtaat tggtgctgat cgtaggtcat 121 accaaagaat tacgacttat gccccaccta acttccgtat ccatggccta ttatcgttaa 181 ttcattttaa ccaaaaggag aacaataaca atgatggcga ctgctttgtt ccttaaagga 241 ggatgtacct ttgaaccagg ggctgggagg ggtatatata gaaagatgct agtagttcaa 301 gttagaggtt atataaatat tgaatctagc aagacgaaga gtactatctt ataccaacaa 361 catctagaag tcaagaaatt tcgctttccc tgtttatctt gccaaagctt tcattgacgt 421 t