Cyclin B 5' regulatory region
LOCUS Rr_SPCYCB 538 bp DNA INV 14-MAY-1998 DEFINITION Strongylocentrotus purpuratus cyclin B gene, 5' regulatory region DBSOURCE GENBANK: name S80441, accession S80441 KEYWORDS . SOURCE purple urchin. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 538) AUTHORS Thatcher,J.D., McBride,B. and Katula,K.S. TITLE Promoter binding factors regulating cyclin B transcription in the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL DNA Cell Biol. 14 (10), 869-881 (1995) MEDLINE 96027756 COMMENTS DNase I footprinting of the cyclin B upstream region revealed eight binding regions within 435 bp of the start of transcription; seven of these sites are within 215 bp. Found within these regions were consensus sequences for two CCAAT boxes, TATA and E-boxes, and sequences with some similarity to E2F and octamer binding motifs. Upstream sequences were functionally defined by generating cyclin B-CAT fusion genes, containing deletions and base specific mutations, and testing for relative levels of expression by gene transfer. Both CCAAT boxes were found to be essential for maximal levels of expression. A third binding site (PR7) with no recognizable consensus sequence was also found to act as a positive element. Experiments show that protein binding to the E2F-like sequences may act to reduce expression. Sequence comparisons and methylation interference data indicate that the likely protein binding the CCAAT sequences is the characterized CCAAT-binding protein CP1. The results indicate that cyclin B is subject to positive and negative regulation, involving multiple factors that bind between -200 and -90 bp from the start of transcription [1]. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..538 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" mRNA 442.. protein_bind 7..40 /citation=[1] /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /site="PR8" /note="octamer element" protein_bind 224..247 /citation=[1] /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /site="PR7" protein_bind 272..289 /citation=[1] /site="PR6" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="CCAAT box" protein_bind 309..323 /citation=[1] /site="PR4" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="CCAAT box" protein_bind 326..337 /citation=[1] /site="PR3" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="E2F" protein_bind 348..400 /citation=[1] /site="PR2" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="E2F and two E-boxes" protein_bind 408..427 /citation=[1] /site="PR1" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="TATA" protein_bind 435..477 /citation=[1] /site="PR0" /evidence=DNaseI footprinting /note="E-box and transcription start" TATA_signal 414..417 ORIGIN 1 tttgttttaa aaatatgcat acaatttaaa tatgttatta caccggtcgc tttggcactg 61 ctgaaaaagt actttaattt cttttctctc tctcattgta tggatcaact atgtgactaa 121 tttacattcc tagctacatg tatagcacca gcaggtgttt gacgagtgga tacctccatc 181 gcgcatacca ccattgaatg ttaccactcc gactcatcaa ggcaagagga acgacctcta 241 ttgatcgcct agcaatgcat cttttacatc accattgacc aatcagcgcc gtgaagtagc 301 gatcaacgga ccaatcaggt tgcccccgcg atattcaagc acggtccgcg acaataacaa 361 aaatcctacg tgcattatcc atatgcgttc attcatttgc acacactgca ctatatattg 421 cgttagctgc ctacacattt gaatccgact cattctgaaa gctgaaaaca actcggacag 481 ttctcatcct agacatcgat aatcgaagaa tttccatact ttgnagtgct aaatcatg