EH4 regulatory region
LOCUS Rr_SPEH4 234 bp DNA INV 01-JUN-1998 DEFINITION S.purpuratus early histone (H4) gene, regulatory region DBSOURCE GENBANK: name SUSHISES2, accession J01172 KEYWORDS histone; histone H4. SOURCE Strongylocentrotus purpuratus DNA. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 234) AUTHORS Grunstein,M. and Grunstein,J.E. TITLE The histone H4 gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus: DNA and mRNA sequences at the 5' end JOURNAL Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol. 42, 1083-1092 (1978) MEDLINE 78237814 REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 234) AUTHORS Grunstein,M., Diamond,K.E., Knoppel,E. and Grunstein,J.E. TITLE Comparison of the early histone H4 gene sequence of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus with maternal, early, and late histone H4 mRNA sequences JOURNAL Biochemistry 20, 1216-1223 (1981) MEDLINE 81184387 REFERENCE 3 (transcriptional regulatory elements) AUTHORS Tung, L., Lee, I. J., Rise, H. L. and Weinberg, E.S. TITLE Positive and negative transcriptional regulatory elements in the early H4 histone gene of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus JOURNAL Nucleic Acids Res. 18(24): 7339-7348 (1990) MEDLINE 91081322 COMMENTS The early H4 (EH4) histone gene of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus contains at least five positive-responding sequence elements and one negative-responding site which control the level of in vitro transcription in an embryonic nuclear extract. The positive acting elements are: 1) the UHF-1 region, located between -133 and -102 (32 - 63 of this entry) (the site of a strong footprint, due at least in part to the binding of an 85 kD protein factor termed UHF-1); 2) the H4 specific element (H4SE), situated between -62 and -39 (103 - 126 of this entry); 3) a sequence corresponding to a TATA box between -33 and -26 (TAACAATA) (132 - 139 of this entry); 4) the transcriptional initiation site; and 5) an internal sequence element found between +19 and +50 (183 - 214 of this entry). Deletion of, or base changes in, the UHF-1, H4SE, initiation, or internal sequence sites result in significant decreases in transcription. Base substitutions in the TATA-like sequence have much less effect, resulting in no more than a 2-fold decrease in transcription, and there is no evidence that alternative initiation sites are utilized in the mutant templates. The negative element (termed the UHF-3 site) is contained within a footprinted region between nucleotides -75 and -56 (90 - 109 of this entry). Base substitutions in this area result in templates that are transcribed at a level 1.2-2.0-fold higher than the wild-type gene. Transcription levels of double UHF-1/H4SE and UHF-1/INR mutants are those expected from additive effects of the individual mutations and there is no suggestion of synergism [3]. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..234 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" mRNA 165.. /note="h4 mRNA" protein_bind 32..63 /bound_moiety="UHF-1" /evidence=footprinting assays /evidence=mobility shift assays /citation=[3] protein_bind 90..109 /bound_moiety="UHF-3" /evidence=footprinting assays /evidence=mobility shift assays /citation=[3] misc_feature 103..126 /note="the H4 specific element (H4SE)" /evidence=experiments with mutant templates /citation=[3] TATA_signal 132..139 /note="TAACAATA sequence" /evidence=experiments with mutant templates /citation=[3] misc_feature 183..214 /note="internal sequence element" /evidence=experiments with mutant templates /citation=[3] ORIGIN 1 acataaatgc atgtactaat gctagcgaat actcgccaca agggggcgca actcgaatgg 61 ggagtctccg cactccagtc ccgcataccg taacgatgcc gcaatctcgg tcacccaagt 121 ccgcaatggt gtaacaatac tcggtgcaat ccggttgagg catcattcgc ttagcgtaat 181 atccagtcta caggatcaca cagaactcgc tctcaactat caatcatcat catg