Gene Networks Database

alpha H2B regulatory region

LOCUS       SPH2B    804 bp    DNA             INV       14-MAY-1998
DEFINITION  Sea urchin (S.purpuratus) early histone gene, 5` flanking region
KEYWORDS    histone alpha H2B.
SOURCE      Sea urchin (S.purpuratus) DNA, clones pSp[2,17]; clone pSp2b-1 [4].
  ORGANISM  Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
            Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata;
            Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida;
            Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus.
REFERENCE   1  (bases 515 to 648)
  AUTHORS   Levy,S., Sures,I. and Kedes,L.H.
  TITLE     Sequence of the 5'-end of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus H2b histone
            mRNA and its location within histone DNA
  JOURNAL   Nature 279, 737-739 (1979)
  MEDLINE   79199774
REFERENCE   2  (5` regulatory elements)
  AUTHORS   Bell,J., Char,B.R. and Maxson,R.
  TITLE     An octamer element is required for the expression of alpha H2B histone
            gene during the early development of the sea urchin
  JOURNAL   Dev. Biol. 150, 363-371 (1992)
COMMENT     The normal expression of the early H2B gene requires only 71 bp of the
            5` flanking sequence. This sequence contains a consensus octamer element,
            which is essential for the high-level expression of this gene in blastula-
            stage embryos and is able to bind a protein. The octamer element is 
            insufficient, however, for the inactivation of the early H2B gene in late-
            stage embryos. Experiments show that sequences upstream of the octamer are 
            dispensable [2].
FEATURES             Location/Qualifiers
     source          1..2424
                     /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus"
     mRNA            536..
                     /note="H2b mRNA [1]"  
  misc_feature       463..467
                     /evidence=5`deletion mutations
  TATA_signal        529..532
                     /evidence=5`deletion mutations
  protein_bind       490..497
                     /evidence=5`deletion mutations
                     /evidence=gel-shift assay
                     /evidence=methylation interference assay
        1 gcgcctttag atatattata taggttccct ttttcatttg ctgtaaccaa ataattttga
       61 aatacaatgt caaagatatt tcattgctca tttctgttat atcattacgt ttattattat
      121 tgtctatcat tgtgtatatt gtgtgagaag aaatgaaaaa taaattcgct ctttacatat
      181 agagagagct actactacta ctatataatt atatatctcc gagataatgt caaaagtagg
      241 agtgannnnn nnnnnnnnnn tgcaagtatg tcttggataa aaagtctcga catgttccat
      301 attcccatca aaattcatcg tcttcttcaa ctttttcaca tttctcattc tttggggatt
      361 gaattgaaca atgcagacag annnnnnnnn ntgcccgtat gatcactatg tcgccatctc
      421 taggcagggg atggaacagg cactaanctg cgacgcctaa gaccaatgaa aggatcgaga
      481 ccgaggctca tttgcatacg gaccgcagca tacggatccg gccccgtgta taaaaaggaa
      541 aggttctcgc tggccattca cagtatccaa agaatatttg cttgacatac tcgtttcgct
      601 gcatctttac agaccagaaa acctcaattc atcatggctc caacagctca agttgctaag
      661 aaaggctcca agaaggcagt caaaggcacc aagacggccn gcggtggcaa gaagaggaac
      721 aggaaaagga aggagagtta tggaatctac atctacaaag tcctcaagca ggttcatcca
      781 gataccggca tctccagtcg ggccatg
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