SpHE gene regulatory region
LOCUS Pr_SPHE 398 bp DNA INV 27-APR-1998 DEFINITION Strongylocentrotus purpuratus SpHE promoter DBSOURCE GENBANK: name S79598, accession S79598 KEYWORDS . SOURCE purple urchin. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 398) AUTHORS Wei,Z., Angerer,L.M., Gagnon,M.L. and Angerer,R.C. TITLE Characterization of the SpHE promoter that is spatially regulated along the animal-vegetal axis of the sea urchin embryo JOURNAL Dev. Biol. 171 (1), 195-211 (1995) MEDLINE 96018753 REMARK GeNet staff at the IHPC&DB created this entry from the original journal article. This sequence comes from Fig. 8. REFERENCE 2 (bases 1 to 398) AUTHORS Wei,Z., Angerer,L.M., and Angerer,R.C. TITLE Multiple positive cis elements regulate the assymetric expression of the SpHE gene along the sea urchin embryo animal-vegetal axis JOURNAL Dev. Biol. 187 (1), 71-78 (1997) MEDLINE 97367908 REFERENCE 3 (bases 1 to 398) AUTHORS Wei,Z., Angerer,R.C., and Angerer,L.M. TITLE Identification of a new sea urchin Ets protein, spEts4, by yeast one-hybrid screening with the hatching enzyme promoter JOURNAL Mol. Cell. Biol. 19 (2), 1271-1278 (1999) MEDLINE COMMENTS SpHE promoter is sufficient for high-level, spatially correct regulation in early embryo. However neither this nor a longer upstream region (-1255 to +96) is sufficienet to shut down the transcription from the endogenous SpHE gene shortly after very blastula stage (1). The nonvegetal transcription of SpHE is controlled predominantly, and probably exclusively, by positive elements. Positively acting elements appear to be redundunt with respect to not only promoter strength but also spatial activity of transgenes (1,2). FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..398 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" promoter 1..398 /partial /note="hatching enzyme" /gene="SpHE" protein_bind 31..41 /citation=[1] /site="IA" /bound_moiety="I/IV/VII factor" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 45..50 /citation=[1] /site="IB" /bound_moiety="SpOTx" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 53..70 /citation=[3] /site="IC" /bound_moiety="SpEts4" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 71..77 /citation=[1] /site="IC" /bound_moiety="ets-related factor" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 70..88 /citation=[1] /site="II" /evidence=DNase I footprinting protein_bind 106..140; /citation=[1] /site="III" /evidence=EMSA protein_bind 153..157 /citation=[1] /site="IV" /bound_moiety="I/IV/VII factor" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 159..195 /citation=[1] /site="V" /bound_moiety=&CCAAT binding protein" /evidence=DNase I footprinting protein_bind 194..211 /citation=[3] /site="IC" /bound_moiety="SpEts4" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting protein_bind 199..234 /citation=[1] /site="VI" /bound_moiety="CCAAT binding protein" /evidence=DNase I footprinting protein_bind 296..306 /citation=[1] /site="VII" /bound_moiety="I/IV/VII factor" /evidence=EMSA and DNase I footprinting mRNA 311..>398 /gene="SpHE" BASE COUNT 130 a 85 c 73 g 110 t ORIGIN 1 gatccgtcct aaaaaatcca tacatttcaa tttctttgtc agggtaatcc aattcaaacc 61 cggaactacg tagctaggca acaagaaaca tcatccgcag ttccgggaga agattgacat 121 cctatagcga cgttggtcaa tagtttacta ttgtccgtac aatagtcgtc caatcaaaaa 181 ggagcttacc aggtacgcgt acggaacagg ccaatcagag cagcgtttgt tagggcgcgg 241 ttaactagaa acccactttt actgggaatc aaaatcgaat aaaaagccag tgaattgttt 301 gtgaaaatca ttatcacttc ttatcatcaa gctgtaaaca agctcataca agttagaaag 361 ttgttttcat ttcaacttaa atcatcgttc gctcttta