Bewildering Information for Society
Increasing Divide Between the Knows and Know-not's
- Gene Ontology
- Proteomics
- Interactome
- Systems Biology
Science Policy (earmark vs. peer reviews)
- Who is the best person to decide how to spend your tax dollars?
- Can one person's pork barrel be someone else's good science?
Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEO; not modified)
- What are the real benefits and potential hazards?
- Is it dangerous to eat engineered DNA?
- Can the GEO escape into the environment?
- Will we lose important indigenous genotypes with large-scale
Medicine Diagnosis and Treatments
- Will genomics improve medical treatment or only make it more
- What is the most effective medical intervention - vaccination
or personalized medicine?
- Should we spend more money on prevention or treatment?
Environmental Policy
- Is global warming real or just hype?
- Why should we worry about saving species we'll never see?
- Should we urge third world countries to preserve their natural
resources when they want to be consumers like us?
- Should we care about an ozone hole that is over Antarctica
if no one lives there?
Energy Policy
- How do you measure the true costs of producing energy?
- What personal choices do you make that have a global impact?
- Is there any "good" source of energy?
- Should there be a pollution tax?

© Copyright 2003 Department
of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28035
Send comments, questions, and suggestions to: