Genomics Student Quotes
- "My friends and family get annoyed with me trying to
explain it to them, but I feel like the things I've learned are so revolutionary,
I want to share my newfound knowledge."
- "It was also comforting to learn how all of biology
could and should be connected, as with other areas of
study such as mathematics, chemistry, and physics."
- "I've never been as interested in the reading and as
motivated to continue learning as I have been this semester in Genomics....I
feel like the logical reasoning skills that I've developed can be applied
to other areas of life as well."
- "I never imagined that I would view biology (and science
in general) in such a larger context.....I feel as if I've put on a new pair
of glasses and can see things more clearly......I am coming across more things
that I've never seen before or that I don't understand. However, I am more
aware of ways and methods of finding the answers."
- "I wish I could live to be 200 years old and study biology
with degrees in physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and mathematics.....The
course has also reinforced the idea that diseases and pathways (signaling
and metabolic) are not as simple as they first appear."
© Copyright 2004 Department of Biology, Davidson College,
Davidson, NC 28036
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