LOCUS 476389 2007 aa 28-FEB-1997 DEFINITION myosin heavy chain-B, neuronal - chicken. ACCESSION 476389 PID g476389 DBSOURCE PIR: locus B43402 summary: #length 2007 #molecular-weight 232592 #checksum 7899. includes: myosin ATPase (EC superfamily: myosin heavy chain; myosin head homology. PIR dates: 31-Dec-1993 #sequence_revision 31-Dec-1993 #text_change 28-Feb-1997. KEYWORDS actin binding; alternative splicing; ATP; coiled coil; hydrolase; methylated amino acid; P-loop; phosphoprotein.

SOURCE chicken. ORGANISM Gallus gallus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Chordata; Vertebrata; Archosauria; Aves; Neognathae; Galliformes; Phasianidae; Phasianinae; Gallus.

REFERENCE 1 (residues 1 to 2007) AUTHORS Takahashi,M., Kawamoto,S. and Adelstein,R.S. TITLE Evidence for inserted sequences in the head region of nonmuscle myosin specific to the nervous system. Cloning of the cDNA encoding the myosin heavy chain-B isoform of vertebrate nonmuscle myosin JOURNAL J. Biol. Chem. 267 (25), 17864-17871 (1992) MEDLINE 92388144 COMMENT Alternatively spliced segments 1 and 2 are found exclusively in nonmuscle myosin heavy chain isolated from the nervous system. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..2007 /organism="Gallus gallus" /db_xref="taxon:9031" Region 1..2007 /note="myosin heavy chain-B, neuronal" /region_name="product" Protein 1..2007 /product="myosin heavy chain-B, neuronal" Region 1..211 /note="myosin heavy chain-B, nonmuscle" /region_name="product" Region 88..802 /note="myosin head homology #label HEA" /region_name="domain" Site 129 /note="N6,N6,N6-trimethyllysine (Lys)" /site_type="modified" Region 178..185 /note="nucleotide-binding motif A (P-loop)" /region_name="region" Site 184 /note="ATP (Lys)" /site_type="binding" Region 212..221 /note="alternatively spliced segment 1" /region_name="region" Region 222..631 /note="myosin heavy chain-B, nonmuscle" /region_name="product" Region 559..593 /note="actin binding" /region_name="region" Region 632..652 /note="alternatively spliced segment 2" /region_name="region" Region 653..2007 /note="myosin heavy chain-B, nonmuscle" /region_name="product" Region 692..714 /note="actin binding" /region_name="region" Site 732 /note="Cys" /site_type="active" Site 742 /note="Cys" /site_type="active" Region 875..1315 /note="S2" /region_name="region" Region 875..2007 /note="coiled coil" /region_name="domain" Region 1316..2007 /note="light meromyosin" /region_name="region" Site 1954 /note="phosphate (Thr) (covalent)" /site_type="binding" Site 1987 /note="phosphate (Ser) (covalent)" /site_type="binding"

ORIGIN 1 maqrsgqedp erylfvdrav iynpatqadw takklvwips erhgfeaasi keergdevlv

61 elaengkkal vnkddiqkmn ppkfskvedm aeltclneas vlhnlkdryy sgliytysgl

121 fcvvinpykn lpiyseniie myrgkkrhem pphiyaises ayrcmlqdre dqsilctges

181 gagktentkk viqylahvas shkgrkdhni ppespkpvkh qgelerqllq anpilesfgn

241 aktvkndnss rfgkfirinf dvtgyivgan ietylleksr avrqakdert fhifyqllag

301 agehlksdll legfnnyrfl sngyipipgq qdkdnfqetm eamhimgfsh deilsmlkvv

361 ssvlqfgnis fkkerntdqa smpentvaqk lchllgmnvm eftrailtpr ikvgrdyvqk

421 aqtkeqadfa vealakatye rlfrwlvhri nkaldrtkrq gasfigildi agfeifelns

481 feqlcinytn eklqqlfnht mfileqeeyq regiewnfid fgldlqpcid lierpanppg

541 vlalldeecw fpkatdktfv eklvqeqgth skfqkprqlk dkadfciihy agkvdykade

601 wlmknmdpln dnvatllhqs sdkfvaelwk deiqniqrac fydnitglhd ppvdrivgld

661 qvtgitetaf gsayktkkgm frtvgqlyke sltklmatlr ntnpnfvrci ipnhekragk

721 ldphlvldql rcngvlegir icrqgfpnri vfqefrqrye iltpnaipkg fmdgkqacer

781 miraleldpn lyrigqskif fragvlahle eerdlkitdi iiffqavcrg ylarkafakk

841 qqqlsalkil qrncaaylkl rhwqwwrvft kvkpllqvtr qeeelqakde elmkvkekqt

901 kveaeleeme rkhqqlleek nilaeqlqae telfaeaeem rarlaakkqe leeilhdles

961 rveeeeernq ilqnekkkmq ghiqdleeql deeegarqkl qlekvtaeak ikkmeeeill

1021 ledqnskflk ekklmedria ectsqlaeee ekaknlaklk nkqemmitdl eerlkkeekt

1081 rqelekakrk ldgettdlqd qiaelqaqie elkiqlakke eelqaalarg deeavqknna

1141 lkvirelqaq iaelqedles ekasrnkaek qkrdlseele alkteledtl dttaaqqelr

1201 tkreqevael kkaieeetkn heaqiqeirq rhataleels eqleqakrfk anleknkqgl

1261 esdnkelace vkvlqqvkae sehkrkklda qvqeltakvt egerlrvela ekanklqnel

1321 dnvsslleea ekkgikfakd aaslesqlqd tqellqeetr qklnlssrir qleeeknnlq

1381 eqqeeeeear knlekqmlal qaqlaeakkk vdddlgtieg leenkkkllk dmeslsqrle

1441 ekamaydkle ktknrlqqel ddlmvdldhq rqivsnlekk qkkfdqmlae eknisaryae

1501 erdraeaear eketkalsla raleealeak eeferqnkql radmedlmss kddvgknvhe

1561 lekskrtleq qveemrtqle eledelqate daklrlevnm qamkaqferd lqardeqnee

1621 kkrmlvkqvr eleaeleder kqralavaak kkmemdlkdl egqieaanka rdeaikqlrk

1681 lqaqmkdyqr eleearasrd eifaqskese kklkgleaei lqlqeefaas erarrhaeqe

1741 rdeladeian sasgksalld ekrrlearia qleeeleeeq snmellnerf rkttlqvdtl

1801 nselagersa aqksenarqq lerqnkelka klqelegsvk skfkatistl eakiaqleeq

1861 leqeakeraa anklvrrtek klkevfmqve derrhadqyk eqmekanarm kqlkrqleea

1921 eeeatranas rrklqreldd ateaneglsr evstlknrlr rggpitfsss rsgrrqlhie

1981 gaslelsddd aeskgsdvne aqptpae //

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