This page was made in part of course requirement for Psy 330 Independent Study led by Dr. Kristi Multhaup at Davidson College.


Behavioral Genetics


Schizophrenia : What treatments are the most effective?  Clozapine? Zotepine? Or perhaps alternative treatments?

Alcoholism: Which drugs lower relapse rates in alcoholics?  Do these drugs work best alone, or with therapy sessions?

Other Substance Abuse Problems: Are drug treatments truly affective in the treatment of substance abuse?  What is the value of group therapy?



Improved Technology Section: A brief overview of the upcoming field of pharmacogenetics and the implications is brings in treatment of these conditions.

Memory: This link will take you to a page that I created for my undergraduate Genomics course.  This page explores media hype regarding the “memory pill,” followed by a review of the science behind the hype.  Is it true? Could there be a pill for memory loss?




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