PlHbox 9 is a homeobox protein, highly related (95% identity) to the human HB9, a slightly
divergent homeobox, that is expressed in cells of the lymphoid lineage and in
several tissues of the gastrointestinal tract (Harrison et al., 1994). High sequence
conservation can only be found in the homeodomain and seven downstream aminoacids
(Bellomonte et al., 1998).
Subcellular location
Expression Pattern
Temporal expression of PIHbox9 determined by RNase protection, showed no expression from
fertilization until the beginning of gastrulation. At late gastrula stage
(22-24 h post fertilisation) a very faint RNase protected RNA band was
detected after prolonged exposure of the flurograph. The abundance of the transcripts
increased abruptly by the prism stage (30 h post-fertilisation)/early pluteus
(39 h post-fertilisation) stages and declined slightly in the pluteus larva
(53 h post-fertilisation).
Spatial expression of PIHbox9 throughout embryogenesis was determined by whole mount
in situ hybridisation. Gastrula embryos at 22 h of development were unstained, thus
confirming the very low level of expression of PIHbox9 gene at this embryonic stage.
Transcripts in 30 h prism stage embryos were instead detected at the
ectoderm-endoderm boundary. This hybridisation pattern was
confirmed at later stages of development. In most of the 39 h prism/early pluteus embryos,
expression of the PIHbox9 gene was confined to a few cells placed at the end of
the hind gut and around the anus (Bellomonte et al., 1998).
mRNA level
Temporal accumulation
Method: RNase protection assay
Reference: Bellomonte et al., 1998
3 h
8 h
10 h
23 h (late gastrula)
30 h (prism)
39 h (early pluteus)
53 h (pluteus larva)
+ -
+ +
+ +
Spatial localization
Method: Whole mount in situ hybridization
Reference: Bellomonte et al., 1998
22 h (gastrula)
30 h (prism)
39 h (prism/early pluteus)
Ectoderm-endoderm boundary
Few cells placed at the end of
the hind gut and around the anus