Gene Networks Database

Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Genes in Development: Tyrosine Kinases



WeeI-like kinases act as negative regulators of mitosis by inactivating cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) (Nemer and Stuebing, 1996).


WEE1S.purp encodes a 624 amino acid polypeptide (WEE1S.purp) with a high degree of similarity to the Mik1 and Wee1 protein tyrosine kinases. The N-terminal domain of the predicted WEE1S.purp polypeptide is enriched in S/TP-containing, potential kinase-target sites, as well as high-value "PEST' sequences, associated with protein lability (Nemer and Stuebing, 1996).
GenBank: 1171350

Subcellular location

Expression Pattern

Nothern blot analyses of total embryonic RNA revealed a 4.5-kb WEE1S.purp transcript.
Measurements of WEE1S.purp RNA concentration showed that the amount in egg and for the first 7-8 hr of development, was close to the limit of detection; however, transcripts began to accumulate at the 8-h early blastula stage, between the fifth and the sixth cell cycle, and reached a maximum level of 2.5*104 transcripts/embryo in the 16-20 h mid-blastula.
At the 12-hr early blastula Nothern blots of total RNA indicated the presence of 1*104 transcripts per embryo. Only a faint band was detected in the egg RNA, suggesting an upper limit of no more than 1*103 transcripts per egg.
Thus, WEE1S.purp mRNA accumulation is initiated between the fifth and sixth cell cycles and displays a maximal rate between the seventh and eighth cell cycles.
The uniform expression observed by the whole mount in situ hybridization in the blastula changes in the later stage embryo to a localization in the endoderm (gut) and oral ectoderm.
At various pluteus larval stages, WEE1S.purp mRNA is distributed to different degrees between the regions of the gut and the oral ectoderm, and is never detected in the aboral ectoderm. In plutei WEE1S.purp mRNA can be seen to extend from the oral ridge out to the arm rudiments. WEE1S.purp mRNA appeares first in the arm rudiments (at 64 h) and in the elongating post oral arms (at 72 h). However, by the 92nd hour, when elongation has ceased, the mRNA is no longer detectable in arms. This limitation of WEE1S.purp mRNA expression to proliferating cells is another example of its linkage to cycling cells (Nemer and Stuebing, 1996).

mRNA level

Temporal accumulation

Method: Nothern blot analysis
Reference: Nemer and Stuebing, 1996

2 hr
4 hr
8 hr
10 hr
12 hr
14 hr
16 hr
18 hr
20 hr
24 hr
28 hr
32 hr
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ -
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ -

Spatial localization

Method: Whole mount in situ hybridization
Reference: Nemer and Stuebing, 1996

64-hr pluteus larva
72-hr pluteus larva
92-hr pluteus larva
all cells
endoderm (gut), oral ectoderm
endoderm (gut), oral ectoderm, arm rudiments
endoderm (gut), oral ectoderm, elongating post oral arms
endoderm (gut), oral ectoderm, is no longer detectable in arms



Regulatory Regions


Regulatory Connections

Upstream Genes


Downstream Genes

Evolutionary Homologues


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