msp130 regulatory region
LOCUS Rr_SUSMSP 868 bp mRNA INV 10-JUN-1999 DEFINITION Sea urchin (S.purpuratus) mesenchyme-specific cell surface glycoprotein, regulatory region (a region between exons 6 and 7) DBSOURCE KEYWORDS cell surface glycoprotein. SOURCE Sea urchin ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryota; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1..868) AUTHORS Raman, V., Andrews, M.E., Harkey, M.A. and Raff, R.A. TITLE Protein-DNA interactions at putative regulatory regions of two coordinately expressed genes, msp130 and PM27, during sceletodenesis in sea urchin embryos JOURNAL Int. J. Dev. Biol. 37, 499-507 (1993) MEDLINE 87191419 COMMENT Comparison of the PM27 promoter to SM50 promoter and 850-bp region of msp130 gene located between exons 6 and 7 revealed three larger sequence elements (designated A, B and C) that are strictly similar in these genes. A and B elements bind proteins on gastrula and pluteus stages, while no binding was observed with morula extracts. Competitive gel shift assay showed that A and B elements of PM27 and msp130 genes bind the same proteins. The A and C elements identified in this work seem to be not identical to A and C elements in the SM50 regulatory region, which are identified by Makabe et al (1995). FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..868 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" element A 96..123 /evidence=sequence inspection /evidence=DNase I footprinting /evidence=gel shift assays /citation=[1] misc_feature 228..239 /note="P7I" /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[1] exon 6a 347..416 /citation=[1] element C 433..446 /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[1] misc_feature 453..457 /site="CCAAT" /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[1] misc_feature 549..556 /site="P3A" /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[1] misc_feature 781..785 /site="CCAAT" /evidence=sequence inspection /citation=[1] element B 781..797 /evidence=sequence inspection /evidence=DNase I footprinting /evidence=gel shift assays /citation=[1] ORIGIN 1 aagcttgttt gtaggcccca caggtaataa aatattgaaa gtctaacaga atctttggaa 61 cgaacaagtg tcagttgaaa aagagtaagt agataagccg catttacgtg tgcattgggt 121 gtaaataact aatcagtata taaaatcaaa gaggatatca atactaatca ataaagtatg 181 gcaaatgcaa agaaaagcat gaaatatcaa tatgacgtta ataatcgttt gttcgtataa 241 tcgacgagat gttaactgaa tatactaaaa acgaccttag agggtctaat aaaacataga 301 caccatgcat taaatcgtat ttgttttctt cttatttttc ccttctagag ctacttcccc 361 aacccgtgat agacagtccc ctgggacaag caatggctga agagacacag ttaggtgagt 421 ttgtattgaa gtctgaaatt caaaacatgt gtattggccg cattttttta tatgccatac 481 aggtaaaatc tatcttaaca acacaccctg gcctcattaa ctactcaata cacaatgatc 541 caagcgttca tgcgctacca tatattcaat gcaaacacat tgctgaggat aagtgtcaaa 601 caatctcatc acaaaagttg agatttctta agaatgtctg cgagccattt atgagggcgg 661 ttttgtacca tacattttaa aaaagtaaga aaatatatgt aaataaattg tgctggtagt 721 tcataatcat ttcaaacaaa caaaaatctc gccctatcaa atggggaatt ctaaatatct 781 attggcccaa actttgatga gtaagtcctt tttcttctat ttccattcga taaccttaag 841 acctgatgtt gcactttgaa ttaagctt