LOCUS S69017S2 55 bp mRNA INV 10-JUL-1992 DEFINITION SpF1 [Strongylocentrotus purpuratus=sea urchins, gastrula, mRNA, 55 nt, segment 2 of 2]. ACCESSION S69019 NID g240038 KEYWORDS . 2 of 2 SOURCE purple urchin gastrula. ORGANISM Strongylocentrotus purpuratus Eukaryotae; mitochondrial eukaryotes; Metazoa; Echinodermata; Echinozoa; Echinoidea; Euechinoidea; Echinacea; Echinoida; Strongylocentrotidae; Strongylocentrotus. REFERENCE 1 (bases 1 to 55) AUTHORS Kozlowski,M.T., Gan,L., Venuti,J.M., Sawadogo,M. and Klein,W.H. TITLE Sea urchin USF: a helix-loop-helix protein active in embryonic ectoderm cells JOURNAL Dev. Biol. 148 (2), 625-630 (1991) MEDLINE 92077291 REMARK GenBank staff at the National Library of Medicine created this entry [NCBI gibbsq 69019] from the original journal article. This sequence comes from Fig.1A. FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..55 /organism="Strongylocentrotus purpuratus" /db_xref="taxon:7668" gene order(S69017:1..883,1..55) /gene="SpF1, USF" BASE COUNT 18 a 7 c 10 g 20 t ORIGIN 1 ttttatagca ggataactgt aataaatgat ttccagaggt ttgataccta ttcag //