This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College.

Review: Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution


Circulation of ctDNA in the blood stream. This image shows the site of angiogenesis in a tumor.

ctDNA circulates through the blood stream from the tumor and seeds potential metastases.

Image courtesy of Wikipedia


Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a highly aggressive form of lung cancer that cannot be cured by chemotherapy alone. Studies have shown that post-operative chemotherapy results in only a 5% increased survival rate with few other curative measures physicians can take. Elucidating the evolution of NSCLC from tumorigenesis to potential relapse and metastasis will inform physician’s treatment recommendations and improve NSCLC survival rates.

As tumors grow and undergo necrosis, ctDNA (circulating-tumor DNA) fragments from the original site of the tumor and enters the bloodstream. The presence of ctDNA in the bloodstream can remain in plasma after surgery, seed distant metastatic sites and cause post-operative relapse. Abosh et al. profiled ctDNA samples from NSCLC patients in the TRACERx tumor evolutionary study using multiplex-PCR next generation sequencing to determine the likelihood of cancer relapse and resistance to chemotherapy in early-stage NSCLC patients. The sequencing targeted clonal and subclonal ctDNA single nucleotide variants (SNVs) with a threshold of at least two SNVs to be classified as tumorigenic. They found a correlation between variant allele frequency (VAF) load and tumor volume, allowing them to develop a predictive model based on tumor size. The researchers found that by characterizing the SNVs in ctDNA, they can identify the subclone from which the ctDNA derived and map the progression of disease.


Abosh et al. present a promising approach to characterizing and predicting cancer outcomes at the onset of disease. Ideally, physicians can predict how a patient may respond to adjuvant chemotherapy and the likelihood of relapse based on the ctDNA phylogenetic profile. By retroactively tracking cancer progression and developing phylogenetic trees based on single nucleotide variants, the researchers highlight the heterogeneity of cancer cells and elucidate the general progression of disease at the nucleotide level. This information is crucial, as not every NSCLC patient will respond to chemotherapeutics in the same way depending on the nature of their SNVs. By characterizing the ctDNA at the onset of disease, physicians can determine the appropriate treatment plan and improve overall disease survival.

Though this approach is novel and provides a great insight into the molecular progression of disease, I do not foresee this method being applicable or accessible in a clinical setting. As the authors mention, ctDNA profiling is a costly task on top of numerous other expenses involved in cancer treatment. Furthermore, I imagine that prospectively predicting ctDNA SNV changes at the onset of diagnosis could be difficult to define. More studies need to be conducted using this approach in different ways before it can truly be utilized in a clinical setting.  



Figure 1: Methodology

Figure 1 illustrates the methods that the researchers took to develop ctDNA phylogenetic trees in order to retroactively characterize the evolution of cancers. The researchers took tumor samples from NSCLC tissue and resected them into multiple samples. They sequenced the exomes of samples and then conducted bespoke multiplex-PCR assay to identify clonal and subclonal SNVs to develop phylogenetic trees. The next phase of the study involved assessing their method efficacy by extracting cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from pre-operative and post-operative plasma and determining whether or not the DNA derived from tumor cells. They classified the cfDNA as ctDNA if there were more than two SNVs in the sample. This method allowed the researchers to predict potential relapse and adjuvant chemotherapy resistance.


Figure 2: Pathological predictors of ctDNA

Figure 2 examines the different pathological characters of samples from lung squamous cell carcinomas (LUSCs) and lung adenocarcinomas (LUADs). A majority of LUSCs exhibited at least two SNVs, classifying them as ctDNA positive. About 97% of LUSC samples were ctDNA-positive compared to only 19% of LUAD samples. Among the classified ctDNA positive patients for both LUSC and LUAD samples, the researchers examined SNVs within tumor clones and subclones (metastatic sites). Clonal SNVs were detected in all patient samples and 94% of clonal SNVs were detected in the sample’s ctDNA. Subclonal SNVs had a lower detection frequency of only 27 among all 46 samples. However, in 40 samples subclonal SNVs were identified in the ctDNA assessment assays.


 Figure 3: Correlation between tumor volume and VAF

In Figure 3, the researchers assess the correlation between clonal variant allele frequency (VAF) detected in plasma and tumor size. They discovered a positive correlation between mean clonal plasma VAF and tumor size. Based on this correlation, the researchers predicted VAF based on tumor sizes illustrated in Panel B. This predictive practice could be used clinically to assess the underlying mutation burden and potential for relapse in tumor samples. Next, they applied their predictive model to subclonal plasma SNVs. The researchers controlled for potential subclonal normal cell contamination by multiplying subclone volume with the percentage of cancer cells found in a sample. Again, the team found an association between subclone volume and subclone VAF burden; proving the accuracy of their predictive method.


Figure 4: ctDNA SNV detection predicts relapse potential

In Figure 4, the researchers shifted their methods to patient-specific samples. They took pre-operative and post-operative ctDNA plasma samples blinded to whether or not the patient had relapsed. They mapped the percentage of mutant VAFs over the course of time before surgery, after surgery, and followed through to either relapse or death (Panel F). The threshold of the presence of at least two SNVs were detected in patients that ended up relapsing after chemotherapy. This provides evidence regarding the accuracy of their predictive methods in patients.


Figure 5: Phylogenetic tree illustrating the progression of disease

The researchers developed phylogenetic trees based off of the relapse data from four patients, with patient E not relapsing. The trees show the tumor resection point and the site of metastasis (M1) highlighted in red. Abosh et al. developed phylogenetic trees preoperatively and at relapse and highlighted the presence or absence of SNVs. In panel A, the ctDNA assay revealed the same subclonal SNV four times (OR5D18), which traced back to the original clone and primary tumor site. The researchers then took a biopsy from the metastatic site and sequenced it and found the same SNV from the primary tumor that gave rise to the metastatic subclone. These results are consistent with their phylogenetic tracking and provide a method for identifying the original tumor that a metastatic site derives from. Phylogenetic trees were developed for all patients, tracking the progression of disease and highlighting tumor heterogeneity.


Figure 6: Post-mortem case showing phylogeny of subclonal ctDNA

Figure 6 illustrates the phylogenetic tree from the same patient examined in Figure 4f, and 5a, who was involved in the post-mortem (PEACE) study. The researchers analyzed five metastatic biopsies after death and found that the tumor sites all arose from a single subclone (node 12). The subclones shown in the tree arose from the same primary tumor site, colored grey. Highlighted regions of phylogenetic trees associated with particular metastatic sites are shown in panel B, revealing the differential evolution of metastasis derived from subclones. The researchers graph the rise of subclones quantified by the mean mutation VAF and number of SNVs over the progression of disease. These results show the development of SNVs and subclones over the course of cancer development and treatment. These data can inform physicians regarding post-operative disease progression.


Abbosh, P, Birkbak, N, Wilson G, Jamal-Hanjani M, et al., 2017. Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution 545:446-451. Available from Nature.

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