Rough Earth Snake
Virginia striatula

Photo by RW Van Devender


Description: The rough earth snake has a solid brown or gray back and a light colored belly. It may have a pale band across the back of its small head. Rough earth snakes are very small and are characterized by their “rough” or keeled scales.

Feeding/Diet: Earth snakes feed on earthworms and soft-bodied insects.

Habitat/Range: This snake is typically very secretive, living underground in rotting logs or under other objects. Rough earth snakes can sometimes be found in flowerbeds around homes.

Reproduction: In July or August, they give live birth to 3–11 babies, which are usually darker than the adults and have a more distinct neckband.

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The shaded region represents the range of the rough earth snake in North Carolina.

Photo by RW Van Devender

Photo by RW Van Devender

Photo by JD Willson

Photo by JD Willson Photo by RW Van Devender

This website created by: J. Willson, Y. Kornilev, W. Anderson, G. Connette and E. Eskew.
For comments or questions contact M. Dorcas:
M. Dorcas homepage:
Davidson College, Davidson, North Carolina 28035-1719.

Text and maps from: Dorcas, M. E. 2004. A Guide to the Snakes of North Carolina. Davidson College - Herpetology Laboratory, Davidson, NC. – Copyright by Michael E. Dorcas.

Partial Funding for this website provided by a Associate Colleges of the South, National Science Foundation, and Duke Energy.