Course Materials for Spring 2006
Immunology Syllabus for Spring 2006
Immunology Reading Schedule for Spring 2006
Immunology Important Dates for Spring 2006
Immunology Standards for Web Pages
Immunology Web Resources (including old tests)
Chemokine Mini-lectures Online (courtesy of University of Stony Brook)
Molecular Movies - Flash Animations to help students learn immunology.
These movies require the Flash plug-in which is a free option from Macromedia, and comes with browser (Netscape or IE) versions 4.5 or later. If you click on one of the animations, it will search your computer to find the correct plug-in. If you do not have it, it will provide you with a button for downloading the correct plug-in, free of charge, or you may click here
This work was funded in part by a Mellon Technology Fellowship from the Associated Colleges of the South, and Davidson College's Faculty Summmer Support program.
Awards for Molecular Movies
Selected as "Hot Site", Netwatch, 12 November, 1999.
Selected as HMS Beagle's "Web Pick of the Day" 30 November, 1999.
5 Star Rating MERLOT web site, September, 2002.
Harvey Project to advance the teaching of physiology. December, 2005.
Somatic Recombination of a light chain to demonstrate how antibodies can bind to so many different epitopes.
MHC I antigen loading - shows how MHC class one molecules acquire their antigens for presentation on the cell surface.
MHC II antigen loading
- shows how MHC class two molecules acquire their antigens for
presentation on the cell surface.
IP3 and Ca2+
ions as second messengers - shows how ligand binding to
a receptor initiates the production of IP3 and release
of Ca2+ ions from the ER.
B Cell Maturation - shows intracellular and extracellular interactions that illustrate the maturation stages of B cells in the bone marrow.
Activation of B Cells with Thymus-Independent (TI) Antigen - shows the role of the B cell receptor and coreceptor when challenged with a bacterial or viral anitgen that has many copies of a single epitope.
B Cell Selection - shows how B cells that bind to self-antigen are removed from the repertoire of B cells with randomly generated binding specificities. Also shows that non-reactive B cells are permitted to enter general circulation.
T Cell Selection - this series of animations shows T Cell development, Positive Selection, and Negative Selection. The viewer can choose which process he or she wants to see. The animations were created by and generously donated to Davidson College by Dr. Victor Lemas of BioCreations.
MAPK - an animation which shows how cell surface receptors lead to gene activation. This pathway is called the MAP Kinase pathway. The animation was created by and generously donated to Davidson College by Dr. Victor Lemas of BioCreations.
RT-PCR - shows how the method of reverse transcriptase-PCR is performed and some sample data are produced.
This is the Hyperlinked
Human Histology (HHH)
Home Page. This is being developed for students to use when they
want to tie together the micro and the macro of immunology. For
example, in immunology classes, students learn about the proteins
involved in T cell responses, but lose sight of where this happens
in the body.
Click here
to enter HHH. Soon there will
be a human image that will allow the user to pass the mouse over
an organ and click on that organ to zoom in for histological
perspectives. The user will see images with blue
boxes which are hot spots that are hyperlinked to higher
magnifications. To go back to lower powers, just click on the
image outside of the blue boxes to zoom out.
List of organs
© Copyright 2006 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson,
NC 28035
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