I. Maprof, Ph.D.

This is my personal homepage. On it I have included things that are important to me and links to sites that I often visit.

These include:


Joshua (16mo) makes a friend
John (4yr) learns about catch and release

Its a great day to be a Wildcat!

Links to sites I visit often
Traditional medicine of the people indiginous to Wonka's chocolate factory.
"Medicinal Uses of blueberries by OompaLoompas" 

I used a table because it helps keep things organized when someone open my page on a different size screen. (In Composer I used the 'TABLE INFO' choice under the FORMAT menu to change the border width to '0' pixels so that you can't see the outline of the table. In Dreamweaver select the table and set the border to 'o' in the properties inspector )

 © Copyright 2002 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28035. Send comments, questions, and suggestions to: kabernd@davidson.edu