This web page was produced as an assignment for an undergraduate course at Davidson College.

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Treatment and Future Directions

 MRSA can be treated with vancomycin or an alternative such as teicoplanin given through an injection or an IV drip. Surgical removal of infected sites is also recommended to help treat MRSA. MRSA infections have also been treated by way of combination therapy using sulfa drugs and minocycline or rifampin. There is a possibility of a vaccine for MRSA based on the vaccine to protect cattle against mastitis. This vaccine is based on fibronectin binding protein which may prove useful in protecting humans from contracting MRSA. Hyperimmune serum or monoclonal antibodies directed towards surface components could also possibly prevent bacterial adherence and promote phagocytosis of the bacteria.

The problem is now arising that certain strains of MRSA are becoming resistant to treatment by vancomycin, one of the last resorts for treating the infection. The development of a vaccine for MRSA in the near future would help tremendously in that the strains may be prevented from infecting humans, thus diminishing our need to continuously develop new medicines to treat MRSA infections.

Until new treatments are found to cure MRSA, hospital facilities and other community healthcare facilities need to keep the environment as clean and sterile as possible to avoid transmitting infection. Things you can do to protect yourself from getting infected by MRSA is to maintain good hygiene, wash your hands after touching things in a public environment, and to treat open wounds with anti-septics and antibacterial ointments.



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