yo decided to check out my cool webpage? Well, get ready for some excitement!
I have spent hours trying to create some links for your pleasure-so check
them out! Not only can you explore my favorite websites, but you can also
learn more than you'll ever want to learn about a breakthrough molecular
biolgy method called displayPROFILETM. Before you start clicking
on my buttons, though, you might want to know a little about myself. My
name is Carrie Smith and I am a junior at Davidson College. I'm a biology
major and chemistry minor. So, i'm pretty much you're typical pre-med
student. I'm from Bloomington, Indiana-which means i'm a Hoosier. I went
to Culver Academies in northern Indiana for high school and almost froze
to death-that's why i'm in North Carolina right now! My hobbies include
running, swimming, gymnastics (especially handstands with RC), listening
to music and chillin' with my future roomies-Ashley, Monica, Katie and
Lauren. Well, I hope you have fun checking out my sites! I am pretty much
computer illiterate so if you see something and just don't understand why
it's there-e-mail me-it's probably a product of my own computer stupidity!