Bio 113 Lab Schedule - Dr. C. Fall 2013

Lab meets either at 8:15 am or 1:40 pm.

Print, read and sign the safety form.

Learning Objectives for Lab Course

List of Protocols Used in Bio113

We will use CATME to facilitate fair assessment of lab group projects.

Your two oral presentations will be divided into four sections: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion. Each person will present one section and change sections for the second presentation. The oral presentations must be pledged to indicate that each person made substantial contributions. You will not know which section you are presenting until 1 hour before lab, therefore you should learn all 4 parts.

For your two written lab reports, each person must write his or her own (including figure legends), though you may confer about the content. The figures may be shared resources since they were produced as a team. Put your name as the first author and your labmates names as coauthors.

Grading will be based on these grading rubrics.

Lab Manual
Word Files
August 29


Learning Objectives


Lab Manual Week #1

Practice Calculations

Learning Objectives
for Information
September 5


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) Answer 4 Questions

2 ) Create a Registry account (top right link, apply for account)
3) Take online skills Quiz #1

4) Radio show about Synthetic Biology
(7 minutes)

During Lab...
5) Basics of cloning DNA parts
Registry of Parts
7) Registry of Functional Promoters
8) Use PubMed to find regulatable bacterial promoter
9) CATME first week

Lab Manual Week #2

Skills Quiz #1

September 12


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) Answer 4 Questions
2) What is golden gate assembly (GGA)?
Detailed Method and Summary of Lab

During Lab...
3) Find regulatable promoter DNA sequence
4) generate oligos from GGA Oligator
5) name sequences and send for synthesis
6) one volunteer/group for next Wednesday 4 pm

7) CATME peer review

Lab Manual Week #3
September 19


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) 4 pm day before lab, boil oligos (one per group)
2) Answer 4 Questions
3) View the receiving plasmid

During Lab...
4)get oligos ready for ligation (calculations last week)
5) do GGA ligation for oligos
6) transform E. coli cells (+ control plasmid J04450)
7) design promoter experiment (with controls)
8) one volunteer/group for next Wednesday 4 pm
9) CATME peer review

Lab Manual Week #4
September 26


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) 4 pm day before lab, start cells growing (+/- treatment).
2) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
3) test cells in Synergy machine
4) quantify Synergy data (use Excel)
5) update data in Registry and enter data into RFP database
6) outline method to genotype each person for TAS2R38
7) CATME peer review

Lab Manual Week #5
October 3


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
2) isolate genomic DNA from hair
3) set up PCR (v2) for TAS2R38 alleles (see lab manual)
4) Update RFP database for your promoter

5) Take skills quiz #2
6) CATME peer review

Lab Manual Week #6

Skills Quiz #2

October 10


Learning Objectives


Before Lab...
1) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
2) prepare DNA for sequencing
) separate PCR products on gel with MW marker
4) use ApE to analyze sample DNA sequences
5) prepare for oral and written presentations

6) CATME peer review

Lab Manual Week #7
October 17


Learning Objectives


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) Skim the JAMA paper
2) Watch 6 minute video
3) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
4) Test E. coli and B. subtilis for antibiotic sensitivity
5) Analyze your personal DNA sequence
6) predict PTC taste then determine taste status

7) prepare for oral reports
8) CATME peer reivew

Lab Manual Week #8
Learning Objectives for Evolution
October 24

Oral Report on Synthetic Biology


Learning Objectives


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) print 3 iBOP cards, bring to lab

2) Read evolution story
3) Practice oral presentations
4) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
5) Oral reports on promoter study
6) CATME peer reivew
7) Take promoter post-survey (EC)
8) Design and perform first directed evolution experiment

Lab Manual Week #9
October 31

Written Report on Synthetic Biology


Learning Objectives


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) Read about Goldilocks evolution
2) Answer 4 Questions
3) Bring plant material for toxicity testing

During Lab...
4) submit written reports on promoter study
5) CATME peer reivew
6) analyze directed evolution data
7) conduct second directed evolution experiment
8) Bring plant material for toxicity comparisons
9) Extract compounds and let dry
10) Skills Quiz #3

Lab Manual Week #10

Skills Quiz #3

November 7  


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) How do cells resist your antibiotic?
2) Antibotic resistance worst case is here...

3) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
4) Start brine shrimp toxicity test
5) analyze directed evolution data
6) conduct next directed evolution experiment
7) CATME peer reivew

Lab Manual Week #11
November 14  


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) Look up TAS2R38 gene
2) View TAS2R38 genome browser
3) Wikigenes TAS2R38
4) What is MRSA?
5) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
6) Discuss toxicity data
7)Fisher Exact test
8) prepare graphics for written taste/toxicity report
9) analyze directed evolution data
10) conduct experiments to determine if your bacteria are resistant to the antibiotic
11) CATME peer reivew

Lab Manual Week #12

November 21  

Written Report on Tasting


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) Read CDC recommendations
2) Read about good microbes
3) Answer 4 Questions

During Lab...
4) submit written reports on taste/toxicity
5) CATME peer reivew
6) analyze directed evolution data

7) prepare for final oral presentation

Lab Manual Week #13
November 28    

Thanksgiving Break

Week #14

December 5  

Oral Report on Antibiotic Resistance


Learning Objectives

Before Lab...
1) prepare oral presentation

During Lab...
2) Oral presentation on evolution of antibiotic resistance
3) CATME peer reivew
4) Fellowships for you
5) Skills Quiz #4
6) course evaluations

week #15 lab manual

Skills Quiz #4

Practice Calculations

Dr. Campbell's Bio113 Page

© Copyright 2014 Department of Biology, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28035
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