My Background and Interests
Student Background in My Genomics Course
juniors and seniors, genetics minimum
cell biology basics and central dogma
also Chemistry, Economics, English, Psychology,
Math majors
Rapidly moving target
Recent issue of Science
- Data accumulating at exponential rate

Wide Range of Topics
Impart vocabulary
Provide technical training
Cover current topics – but not necessarily
most recent findings
Teach genomics grounded in reality
Improve data interpretation
Practice data mining
Present new perspective on biology (my data
at the end)
Alter career pathways and self-perceptions
(my data at the end)
Generate more excitement in students than
ever before (my data at the end)
10 minutes to think
15 minutes to share
5 minute potty break
Genomics Course Page
Biology Department Main Page

Send comments, questions, and suggestions to:
or (704) 894 - 2692
© Copyright 2003 Department of Biology, Davidson College,
Davidson, NC 28035