DNA helicase

    To see a rasmol image of Bacillus stearothermophilus DNA helicase click on the above title.

    DNA helicase is an enzyme that unwinds double-stranded DNA at the replication fork during DNA replication.  Single-strand binding proteins then attach to the unpaired strands in order to allow DNA polymerase to replicate the two strands.  When this process is complete, two identical dsDNA strands are produced.

nucleotide sequence amino acid sequence
Homosapiens sapiens, humans Complete gene Yes
Mus musculus, common house mouse cDNA Yes
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast Complete gene Yes
Plasmodium falciparum, malarial parasite Partial cDNA Yes
Rhodothermus marinus, bacteria Complete gene Yes

To see the MacDNAsis analysis of this protein, click here.


Campbell, N. A.  1996.  Biology, Fourth Edition.  Menlo Park, CA:  Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
    Company. p. 292.

National Center for Biotechnology Information.  15 December 1998.  Pubmed protein query.  NCBI GenBank.
    <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>  Accessed 10 March 1999.

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